The Lot Traceability System (LTS+PLUS) enables you to automate the tracking of the composition of your products through the entire production process, from purchased lots from your vendor all the way through the final product shipments to the customer. LTS+PLUS greatly reduces the effort required to effectively manage a lot and maintain both upward and downward traceability since this data is acquired as a by-product of your daily receiving and production activities.

LTS+PLUS requires Itemizer+PLUS, Builder+PLUS, IVT+PLUS and Planner+PLUS.

LTS+PLUS uses and expands the information maintained by the Bill of Material System (BMS+PLUS), Material Requirements Planning (MRP+PLUS), Material Control System (MCS+PLUS), Shop Floor Control (SFC+PLUS), and Purchasing Control System (PCS+PLUS). As a result, the creation and maintenance of LTS+PLUS information is virtually transparent to system users. The AMAPS+PLUS transactions that are by-products of your daily manufacturing operations provide all the information needed to fully trace the "as built" configuration of your products. Lot Tracking, Traceability, and Accountability

To support the objectives of lot tracking, traceability, and accountability, LTS+PLUS creates a timely and accurate genealogy of your product composition. LTS+PLUS tracks and provides visibility of the origin, status, and consumption of lots and serial numbers. The system maintains traceability of external lot sources and consumers such as vendor or customer orders as well as in-house lot sources and consumers such as manufacturing, rework, or destruction orders. Status information includes quality control status, availability, and condition of lots.

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The lot trace information maintained by LTS+PLUS is similar to bill of material and where-used information because it provides both downward and upward traceability. From the downward bill of material or source perspective, LTS+PLUS traces the origin of component lots and serial numbers. For example, a particular lot or serial number for an item shipped against a customer order or received against a manufacturing order is traced back to the original sources of all lower-level items used to produce it. From the upward or where-used perspective, LTS+PLUS traces the destination of lots and serial numbers. For example, a particular lot or serial number for an item received against a purchase or manufacturing order is traced up to all higher-level orders that used the lot.

Control by Location, Lot Number and Status

The physical management of controlled and traced items poses several questions. Can more than one lot be stored per location? Are traced or controlled items allowed in a particular location? How do you store a lot with multiple statuses? LTS+PLUS answers these questions by combining flexibility with extensive control capabilities.

In AMAPS+PLUS, the storage of material is identified by item, location, lot type and lot status, inspection status, or quality control (QC) status. This approach allows you to store any combination of different items, lots, or portions of lots in the same location. You can also store portions of the same lot in more than one location. AMAPS+PLUS recognizes seven different QC statuses for controlling materials:

  • Uninspected (Ul)
  • Inspected and approved (AP)
  • Accepted with conditional approval (CD)
  • Accepted with restricted approval (RS)
  • Accepted but quarantined (QT)
  • Inspected and rejected (RJ)
  • In Material Review Board (IM)
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Multiple Lot Types

All final products shipped to customers start as purchased components. As raw materials and purchased components flow through the manufacturing process, they are consumed by intermediate parent items, which, in turn, are consumed. Ultimately, the product shipped to a customer is the result of this interrelated chain of component-parent relationships. To provide complete control and traceability of a product's material and process composition, it is necessary to track material through each of these various stages. LTS+PLUS provides this capability through the use of nine lot types.

Each lot type has a unique identifier that enables LTS+PLUS to provide a complete history for each item, both "downward" from the parent to the components and "upward" from the component to the parents. The nine lot types managed by LTS+PLUS are:

  • Purchase lots
  • Receiving lots
  • Vendor lots
  • Rework lots
  • Serial number lots
  • Internal lots
  • Customer lots
  • Destruction lots
  • Manufacturing

Automatic Retest and Expiration Notification

Since the quality of a lot, and hence its status, can change with time, you must have an effective method of performing cyclical quality assurance. For example, materials may have a limited shelf life where they must be retested or disposed of when they reach a certain date. Alternatively, some materials or products must be quarantined to allow aging before they are tested, used, or sold. LTS+PLUS manages your cyclical quality assurance activities by individual lot using the following date controls:

Last Test Date Most Recent Date Material was tested
Test Date Date a lot must be retested to retain accepted status
Expiration Date The date beyond which a lot cannot be used

You can enter the test and expiration dates for each lot or have them system-calculated based on the default test and expiration periods for the item.

Receipt Control

Receipt Control gives you the capability to prevent the receipt of lots that you deem defective. The capability prevents the contamination of your production environment with unwanted and potentially deleterious materials.

Serial Number Control

In many lot-trace environments, individual items must be tracked through the manufacturing process. This level of tracking is accomplished by assigning a unique identifier or serial number. LTS+PLUS gives you flexibility in assigning and recording the use of serial numbered items without sacrificing control. You can enter serial numbers either individually or in blocks specified by beginning and ending serial numbers. LTS+PLUS also gives you options when recording issues of serial numbered components. Depending upon your company's manufacturing procedures, you can enter the serial numbers either at the time of issue or when recording the order's completion.

Lot Tracking, Traceability, and Accountability

Split lots result either from multiple deliveries of a single manufacturing order or from the manual reassignment of a new lot number to a portion of an existing lot. LTS+PLUS provides control and traceability for as many lot splits as necessary, ensuring maximum manufacturing flexibility. The Lot-toLot Transfer window allows you to transfer material from one lot to another to either combine or split lots or change the status and location of the material.


LTS+PLUS gives you the controls you need to prevent product quality problems, to minimize your quality defects and to meet all governmental certification audits. LTS+PLUS eliminates redundancy of information, thereby reducing your cost of quality. In turn, this gives your personnel the time to better monitor your manufacturing processes and the materials received from your vendors. The result is better business and satisfied customers through quality products at lower costs.

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